Hobnobbing in New York City

On Monday my bestie, Meredith, reached out to our crew and asked if anyone wanted to go to a taping of Watch What Happens Live! with Andy Cohen. The show tapes at 11pm, which is a solid two hours past my bedtime at this point in my pregnancy, but I decided to suck it up (and take a nap after work) so we could gawk at some celebrities together. Meredith and I have been watching reality television together for almost 10 years and WWHL hits our sweet spot.
Cyndi Lauper walked by us in the lobby as we waited to go into the studio. Sometimes celebrities look different in person, but Cyndi Lauper looks like Cyndi Lauper, and Cyndi Lauper looks awesome.
This is not Cyndi Lauper. This is me, 7 mos pregnant, on the set of Watch What Happens Live!The guests of the show were Cloris Leachman and Jeff Lewis. Cloris stole the show with her long-winded, bizarre stories and her requests to repeatedly kiss Jeff and Andy. Towards the end of the show the fire alarm started going off and they just plowed through since it's a live show. Normally there would be an after-show taping, but we had to cut it short as we were evacuated from the studio because of a fire!
Cloris comparing kisses from Jeff and Andy.But here is when Meredith climbed the ranks to #1 Best Friend in the Entire World: she had an invite for a press event at Martha Stewart's offices for a cooking lesson with Martha to promote her new show, "Martha Stewart's Cooking School", which will debut on PBS this fall. The show sounds great - something for every home cook no matter your skill level.
Since I was sleeping over, and Meredith knows how much I love Martha Stewart, she managed to snag me an invite as well. So Wednesday morning we hiked over to the west side, ate an amazing breakfast (eggs from Martha's farm and with homemade fruit jams made by Martha), and then sat down for a cooking lesson with Martha.
If you want to read more about the event you can visit Martha's blog (and find me in photos 5 & 7)
And here is something awesome Martha demonstrated - how to peel garlic in ten seconds (video not of Martha):
How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds from SAVEUR.com on Vimeo.
Reader Comments (1)
This is very cool to see what everything looks like behind the scenes.